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義工探訪孩子住家 Volunteers make house visit
參觀學生宿舍 Student domitory
小小的身影,大大的夢想 Big dreams in every young heart
殘疾父親依然樂觀 A handicapped father at work
景頗族服飾 Jingpo minority costumes
只要不放棄就有希望 You can do it, kid
憧憬未來 I have a dream
我家的竹篾笆房 Our bamboo house
景頗男孩 Jingpo male costumes
叔叔阿姨的演講很精彩 Great speeches, aunties and uncles
傣族白塔 Dai buddhist pagoda
鼓勵孩子們看世界 Building a worldview
小朋友的臥室 Student living quarters
你們最棒 Celebrate students' achievement
詩蜜娃底黃草壩風光 Shimiwadi's scenic grassland
開心學習 快樂成長 Aim high, thrive on, stay positive
與新生會面 Meeting new students
參觀學校食堂 School dining hall
廚房 A ramshackle kitchen